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Hops Kracanup

Sale price$32.99


An exciting new hybrid hops originating right here in WA. Resulting from a cross between renowned Cascade and Chinook hops, both of which have significantly influenced West Coast American style pale ales. A heavy cropper producing 4-4.5kg per vine. Kracanup is a versatile cone. Wet hopped compared to dry and from an early pick to a late pick gives you three different tastes, and is full of lupulin (the active ingredient in hops). The plants will die back in winter but return in spring.


Water: Water well and often when freshly planted and during warmer seasons. Use a chunky mulch, we recommend using Aussie Organics Chunky Pine Bark.


Sun: Full sun to crop successfully but protected from afternoon sun to prevent leaf burn.


Soil: Fertile, well-draining soil enriched with organic matter. We recommend using Aussie Organics Premium Soil Conditioner and Charlie Charcoal prior to planting.