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Madagascar Jasmine - Stephanotis Floribundae

Sale price$17.49


A close relative of hoyas and Star Jasmine, and commonly known as Madagascar Jasmine, Stephanotis is known for its stunning umbels of large white tubular flowers with a sweet floral perfume, appearing throughout summer and highly prized by florists. A reasonably hardy climbing-twining plant with glossy dark green fleshy foliage, it prefers a sheltered position outdoors in full sun to dappled or shady spots. Can be grown in baskets to cascade or up a trellis or frame. For enhanced growth and flowering we recommend using Troforte M Indoor & Patio Slow Release fertiliser. Stephanotis floribunda reaches approximately 1-2m height and similar width.


Water: Water well and often when freshly planted and during warmer seasons. Use a chunky mulch, we recommend using Aussie Organics Chunky Pine Bark.


Sun: Full sun to part shade, dappled positions. Protect from Westerly sun to prevent leaf burn.


Soil: In pots, a well-draining, fertile mix. We recommend using Waldecks Premium Potting Mix. In the garden, moist, well-draining soil enriched with organic matter. We recommend using Aussie Organics Premium Soil Conditioner and Charlie Charcoal prior to planting.

Madagascar Jasmine - Stephanotis Floribundae
Madagascar Jasmine - Stephanotis Floribundae Sale price$17.49